What Makes Us Different for Thyroid Help in Stuart Florida

Dr. Randy Hansbrough combines the disciplines of Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Neurology to help his patients, who are suffering from complex thyroid conditions, achieve success.

thyroid help in stuart florida

For over 32 years, Dr. Randy Hansbrough, DC has worked with patients of all ages who are suffering from complex thyroid disorders. Dr. Hansbrough takes a very unique and different approach in helping his patients with their thyroid issues. That approach is based in Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Neurology. He digs deep, looking well beyond "normal" or "traditional" lab tests and results to get to the root cause of the thyroid issue and then develops a treatment plan that gets his patients results.

Dr. Hansbrough doesn't rely just on the medical opinions of others to guide treatment.

Instead, he utilizes in-depth and detailed testing which may include: blood, saliva, urine and stool. Utilizing these tests, which are much more comprehensive than most get with their traditional medical doctor, allows Dr. Hansbrough to get to the root problem of his patient's thyroid issues.

Dr. Hansbrough focuses on hard to treat cases.

If you're thinking of seeing ANY type of doctor for your thyroid condition, be sure to ask them if they focuses on hard to treat cases. This is a very important key factor in getting the help and healing you deserve. If the doctor you are thinking of working with doesn't give a good answer to this question, it's best to explore other options.

As a Functional Medicine, Chiropractic Neurologist who is highly trained and experienced in low thyroid care, Dr. Hansbrough will take the time to listen carefully, evaluate thoughtfully and work on correcting the underlying causes of symptoms that often go missed.

Dr. Hansbrough's approach is custom and unique for each patient.

Since no two human beings are the same, Dr. Hansbrough's comprehensive treatment plans are custom designed for each specific individual patient and may include the use of Nutraceuticals (instead of Pharmaceuticals), various Functional Medicine therapies, lifestyle and dietary modifications and other methods of treatment to get you the solutions you need.

This is another very important factor when thinking of working with ANY type of doctor for your thyroid condition. If they subscribe to a "one size fits all approach" you need to explore other options for care. Thyroid disorders are complex and must be evaluated fully...every stone turned and every symptom explored...only then can a safe and effective treatment plan unique to you and your needs be created to get you to optimum health and wellness.

Dr. Hansbrough can work in partnership with your medical doctor.

If your doctor has you on a thyroid medication, Dr. Hansbrough will never tell you to stop taking that medication. That's up to you and your medical doctor to decide. However, Dr. Hansbrough will help you get to the root cause of your thyroid problem. This will help you achieve the path back to health you've been looking for. This is the best possible partnership between traditional medicine and Functional medicine.

Things to consider when looking to work with ANY doctor for thyroid disorders and problems...

  • Be aware of practitioners that follow a "one size fits all approach." There is rarely, if ever, a "one size fits all" approach to thyroid issues. There can be problems ranging from hormones to gut and intestinal issues to food allergies and sensitivities to other functional problems. Each person is unique. You are unique and so is your condition.
  • Be aware if you're consistently going back to your doctor again and again for the same thyroid symptoms and problems. If you continue to have symptoms while being treated for low thyroid, then that signals something has been missed in your diagnosis. It's important to find the root cause (or causes) of the issue or issues.
  • Be careful of practitioners who only look at symptoms. Many traditional medical doctors are trained to look at symptoms and then prescribe a medication to treat the symptom. This can result in continued problems. As a Chiropractic Neurologist, Dr. Hansbrough takes a Functional Medicine approach to find the root cause of your condition and then craft a treatment plan to restore full function and health.
  • Be careful of practitioners who only do a simple blood test for TSH. As mentioned many times on this website, thyroid problems are complex cases. To treat the problem successfully and effectively you need to undergo a thorough evaluation and comprehensive testing this includes much more than just a simple blood text to gage your TSH levels. Not being properly tested and evaluated is one of the main reasons why you may still have low thyroid symptoms even while on a thyroid hormone.

If you're suffering from common low thyroid symptoms such as:

  • Inability to lose weight, even with diet and exercise.
  • Being tired most of the time.
  • Having memory problems and forgetfulness issues.
  • Morning headaches.
  • Always feeling cold.
  • Night sweats.
  • Thinning or brittle hair.
  • Depression or anxiety.

Or you've been told your thyroid was normal but you're still having symptoms...

Then Dr. Randy Hansbrough is the one who can help your thyroid problems and condition. Many of Dr. Hansbrough's patients came to him after being misdiagnosed, under diagnosed or their thyroid issues continued while in the care of a primary physician or practitioner. That's because there are many things that can cause thyroid problems and Dr. Hansbrough will get to the root cause and craft a treatment plan for a solution.

Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today by Calling 772-287-7701 and Explore How Dr. Hansbrough, Can Help Your Thyroid Issues.

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Dr. Hansbrough, DC

Stuart Florida Thyroid Doctor

Stuart Florida Thyroid Doctor, Dr. Randy Hansbrough, DC, DACAN, FIACN, focuses on helping people with chronic and difficult thyroid conditions. Learn more >>

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Are you confused and frustrated because your thyroid symptoms persist even though you're on thyroid medication and have "normal" test results? Get a free consultation today! >>